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lazy mom gecko

22 14:48:37

Hey, I have a Leo couple and the female is pregnant, she is showing all the normal signs of being pregnant, but I'm still a bit worried, she doesn't eat much, she sleeps a lot (day and night) and she has been eating a lot of calcium and drinking a lot of water, you can clearly see the eggs from her sides and from underneath, is she ok? is it normal for her to be this lazy

Hi Filipe,
When they are gravid(eggs) as the eggs grow(1-3 eggs is normal) there is less and less room for food so they eat less.  Its normal for them to demand more calcium as that the eggs take plenty of it to form the shells. Drinking water is also normal for them as because they aren't eating as much, they aren't getting the moisture from the foods. Do be sure to provide the proper laying place for her and the male should be removed from the cage to prevent stress...