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please help! emergancy

22 14:02:09

Hi I have 2 bearded dragons! A male who's 5 & a female who's 3! They have lived together for nearly 2 yrs & the female has laid eggs 3 times! The female is usually quite scatty & hyper but the last 2wks she seems to struggle to stay awake! Looks drained! & is weak! I've gave her some multi vitimins to try helpin her but she's off her food & I'm really starting to panick! I'd be devistated if I lost her!! Any advise will be greatly appreciated
Thank you

Hello Mark,

Well, it is most likely going to be that she is either egg bound or severely drained from laying too many eggs/clutches.
Are you using a good UVB light for them?  If so, what type & brand are you using?  A flourescent tube bulb or a tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
Are you supplementing calcium, & if so how often?  Being mated constantly she needs calcium 5 times per week when she is laying eggs.
I would put her in her own enclosure right now, to monitor her.  So you will need to get another setup at the moment.  She is stressed enough right now as it is.  
If she is not eating right now, she must be close to laying or she is having some trouble.  How many eggs has she laid each clutch?  How have the eggs looked, nice & thick white or are the eggs looking thinner on the shell?
I think you are going to need to get her in to see a vet as soon as possible for an x-ray to determine what could be going on.  Are you positive that she is carrying eggs right now?  I know the probability is high that she is, being with the male.
Is her beard darkened right now?  
They can go downhill extremely quickly when they are egg bound.  Do you have a vet you can take her to?
If she is gravid & in the condition or post ovulatory stasis to where her eggs have dropped, it is a possibility that she could be given oxytocin ONLY IF SHE is close to labor!
Let me know he she is & what you decide to do.
