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domestic painted turtle, in shock or dead?

22 13:25:42

'I have a 3 yr old painted turtle that got his front leg caught in the suction end of our filtration system (Eheim water filter). Not sure of how long he was caught in it, less than 8 hrs.
His leg is swollen, water retention/stress and has a bubble on the paw area and his claws are almost turned upwards.
He`s unresponsive and doesn`t look to be breathing! Not sure if he`s in shock or, God-forbid, deceased. I`m hoping he`s in shock and has gone into hibernation mode. I hope he isn`t dead. He`s just a little guy, about 3 inches in diameter. And he was my Christmas little Urtle.
We did turn off the filtration system and had removed his leg, placed him on a floating dock. He did move his head when placed on the floating dock and I swear I saw his left back leg move when I picked him up this morning. I`m hoping it was not rigormortis but his body isn`t stiff and his flesh is normal color. He`s just limp.
I had gotten a slight response
Can you advise?'

My advice is...take him to a veterinarian who has reptile experience, immediately!  He's obviously seriously injured and requires immediate medical attention.

As a pet owner, you are obligated to provide proper veterinary care for pets that become sick or injured--it's the law.  Perhaps you are underage...if so, shame on your parents for not doing the proper thing immediately, they are legally responsible for getting veterinary care for your pet.

If I seem harsh...well, your turtle is unconscious and unresponsive, the course of action should be very obvious.