Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > jacky lizard

jacky lizard

22 11:54:11

our jacky dragon is about 2-3 years old & will not eat or drink any water & we have noticed his gained weight, also under his front arms are turning white & we have found a couple of white spots scale size on his back & under his head. he is very active and runs around everywhere. we are really worried and would appreciate your advice.

Hello Rachel,

Do you have any pictures of your jacky for me?
How long has he not eaten for now?
It sounds like he is getting ready to shed as they will get white spots or areas on them.  Shedding also greatly affect their appetite also.
What types of foods do you fee him?  What are his basking temperatures in his tank?  Do you use a UVB light also?
