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Help Me Identify this reptile please?

22 11:54:30

unknown reptile
unknown reptile  
This is my first question on this site and I was wondering if you could help me identify this little (looks to be a baby) lizard/gecko/other small fourlegged reptile lol =) I saw my first one in my daughters room actually. She had split some sticky koolaid on the floor and the poor little guy got stuck in it =( I got him off the floor but his little back legs were alittle hurt. I took him outside and took the picture you see and made sure he could walk and let him go. Well tonight I saw another one. Just as tiny (about an inch and a half long or 2 inches with tail) I nearly killed this one with the door lol but thankfully I didnt...
Anyways in all my years of living in southern Alabama I have never seen one of these little guys. I tried to search using a website to see if I could find one but idk what they look like if this isn't an adult. Just wondering if maybe you knew?
Thanks so much!!

Well, it is quite young, and looks a bit emaciated or dehydrated.  I'm pretty sure it's a house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus), a common introduced species in the Southern states.  You're correct that the babies look slightly different from adults.  This species also has a bit of variability in appearance.  House geckos will occasionally sip flower nectar and other sweet stuff, so he may have been drawn to the Kool Aid for that reason.

House geckos, also known as 'chit chats' for their calls, do like to frequent the outsides (and sometimes insides) of houses, where they can feed on insects attracted to porch lights at night.  They are nocturnal.  They are quick, and can run across the ceiling as easily as the floor, or walls.  Adults are 3 to 5 inches.  If you leave a porch light on at night, sneak out and check around, and you may see the parents of this little guy. :)