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cat ate skink

22 14:41:22

My cat was recently diagnosed as having eaten a skink after she came home wobbling, crooked-headed, and barely able to walk.  She had been missing for 2 days.  Our vet said he'd seen this 4 or 5 times recently.  My concern is that she seems to have lost her hearing.  She doesn't respond to any noise at all.  Is this normal, is it temporary, or can I expect it to be permanent?

Hi Katie, I did a bit of research into this when it came up in a previous question. You were very lucky, the other person's cat was not able to be saved after it tangled with a skink. The toxin does cause nerve damage in cats. In the few cases I read about there was some improvement over time with the lack of balance and co-ordination but the cats never did return to being completely normal. I suspect that only time will tell whether your cat is able to regain some of its hearing.