Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > cornsnake


22 14:13:46

QUESTION: hi my corn snake i has a yellowish nose should i be worried i only had him for a month still a baby

ANSWER: Cornsnakes often exhibit yellow pigment.  Is pigment what you are talking about?

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QUESTION: Hi I have another problem my corn snake his take us like dark at the end I
closed a lid on his tail and I didn't know what do I doo

ANSWER: His tail is dark???  I guess that's what you meant.  If so, you may have broken his spine in the tail and if so it is probably necrotic (rotting off).  If it's just the very tip it may fail off on it's own, but if it's more than say a 1/4 inch you'd better see a vet.

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QUESTION: Noo the cornsnake tail I closed a lid and now it's like this it looks pretty bad


As I said, his tail (the corn snake's) is dark.  You broke his spine (which goes all the way into the tail) and now the tissue down there is not getting any blood flow to it.  It is dying.  You should take your snake to the vet so that he can amputate the dead tissue and administer antibiotics to fight infection.  If you broke too much of it the snake will die.  I can't judge that w/o seeing it.