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Leopard Gecko Moist Hide question

22 13:31:01

My leo didn't like moss, so I read that I could use paper towels, I tried that and they dry out with in 20 to 30 I added a sponge(rinsed daily, squeezed then misted with non-chlorine water) and it seems to stay moist for most of the day.

My question is, does the sponge wrapped in paper towels pose a problem?

Side note my leo seems to love the sponge as she lays on it as soon as it is moist and she will move to another part of the warm side when it is dry.

Hello William,

Oh he didn't like the moss in his hide/cave huh?  Well, a sponge is perfectly fine then, wrapped in paper towels.  I guess it is comfortable for her then.  
I know, most things tend to dry out quickly, but that should work out just right.
