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mating behaviour

22 14:37:51

I have a female beardie and a male rankin dragon housed together. They have been getting on well but the male is now showing mating behaviour. He keeps biting the beardie on the back of her head and it is now looking a little sore. he wont seem to leave her alone. Do we need to seperate them. There are also two other female rankins in the cage but he isn't interested in them, just the beardie. What should I do?

Anytime a male is excessively harassing a female and causing her physical injuries, you need to seperate them. It also sounds like you have quite a full compliment in one cage. I hope it is quite large. Pogona genus of dragons require quite a bit of space to roam and bask. She probably has nowhere to retreat very far. 4 adults would require the floor space of over 100 gallons in my opinion. An outdoor screened in enclosure would be better.

If she has injuries you'd better get her checked too. The repeated biting in that same area onto an open wound is going to lead to infection. Reptiles usually have a lot of nasty bacteria and predigestive enzymes in the saliva, and being that close to her head, it could be trouble.