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bearded dragon heaving

22 13:24:11

hello, im having an issue right now with my baby bearded dragon, he is dry heaving very bad and his stomache is puffing out, it comes and goes but hes running around strangley, i sat him in some luke warm water and it seemed to help but the problem continues,i fed him 2 dozen crickets i dumped in there, am i feeding him too much? can you give me advice please? iv made multiple calls and no advice. please and thank you

How big are the crickets?  Rule is they should fit between his eyes if you placed them on his head sideways.  Too large can be bad.  It is doubtful he would overeat to the point of danger.  If something had a poison of some sort on it that might cause what you are seeing.  If it looks bad I'd recommend a vet look at him.