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juvenile black throat monitor

22 14:34:44

how many pinkies should black throat monitor be eating a day and how much calcium

Hi Debra, I raised a number of Bosc (Savannah) monitors which are very similar to Black throats. I never used pinkies as a daily diet but rather used them about 2 or 3 times per week and balanced the rest of the diet with insects, snails, cooked ground  turkey, cooked egg and some canned cat food. This type of variety was a closer match to the monitor's natural diet then just rodents, especially the high fat, low mineral containing pinkies! You can also gut load insects ( feed them on nutritious grains and leafy greens) to add further balance to the diet of your monitor. When you do use mice feed the largest size that he can comfortably take. As mice grow from pinkies they  have a more calcified  skeleton and the organs are more developed, both are important sources of vitamins and minerals.
The schedule I used for calcium supplementation was also about 3 times per week for young animals (less then 1 year) and dropping down to twice per week in their second year and about weekly as adults. I used mostly a calcium with vitamin D3 supplement but  used plain calcium as well. I found that dusting large mealworms then feeding them off in a small ceramic dish worked well. A pinch of calcium in the cat food or ground turkey was another method. Putting the calcium supplement in the "favourite" food helps ensure that they get the whole amount.