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Keeping of Leopard Gecko Eggs

22 13:51:10

    I have a female and a male leopard gecko. They have had eggs before but they did not hatch. I have bought vermiculite to use as a place to put the eggs, I have a plastic shoe box, but I don't want to buy an incubator. What is the best way to keep the eggs? What are the temperatures and the ratio of vermiculite to water I should have?

Hello Bea,

The temperatures should be consistently maintained at 84 degrees, & the humidity needs to be at least 80% or they will dry out & not hatch at all.  Try mixing some regular potting soil in with the vermiculite so it mixes more evenly.  The mixture needs to be wet/moist but not to where you can pour water out of the mixture.  You don't want mold issues, so you will need to make sure that there is adequate ventilation, as well.
