Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Vomiting Gecko

Vomiting Gecko

22 11:53:05

QUESTION: Hey Tracie,
It's Sean sorry I couldn't ask another question on the last thread so I started a new one.  Yesterday morning I found another vomited cricket. So this time he didn't hold it down. I try to feed him the smallest crickets I have in my container because I know they're only supposed to be as loon as his head is wide right?  If I can't find his weight using a scale can I just look up the average weight of a baby leopard gecko? And when I do get the panacur can I mix it with the baby food and feed it to him?  Thanks! Oh and it's ok you misspelled my  there are so many different spellings I'm surprised I remember it!

ANSWER: Hello Sean,

The crickets should be smaller than the space between his eyes, ideally so they may be too large actually.  That might be part of the problem.
Make sure also he is warm enough, too so he can digest.  He needs a warm spot of around 88-90.
You can take an average of a baby gecko to try & approximate a dose for him, that is fine.  Did you send me a picture of him previously?  You could mix the panacur with the baby food that is fine, also.  He would just need one treatment, every 7 days or so.  

Let me know how he is doing.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok yeah the crickets are probably a little too big for him then. I still don't understand the bloated belly though. And the warm spot is about 92 usually.  And yes I sent one before I can attach another one though. Thanks!

ANSWER: Hello Sean,

Ok, great thanks!  I just wanted to see his tail again, it is pretty thin.
I would focus on getting some smaller crickets.  He is probably bloated because he is not able to digest the crickets very well.  Anytime they have trouble digesting, it interferes with the GI tract & it becomes imbalanced which can cause bloating, etc.
At 92, that is a good temperature for him.  
Since he does need to gain some weight, try getting some chicken or turkey baby food & feed it to him through a plastic syringe or dropper.  This can be very helpful with getting some weight onto him.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I got the baby food  last night the only ingredients are turkey and turkey broth so that should work right? I'll get some smaller crickets too and try to get his weight up then if that doesn't fix him I'll try the panacur. Thanks for all your help!

Hello Sean,

That sounds like a good plan.  
Yes, that is fine, the turkey & turkey broth will be good.  He should like the taste.  I hope you are able to find some smaller crickets, too.
Let me know how he is coming along & if you have more questions.
