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Female beardie attacking Male!

22 14:01:19

Hello, I've owned my female bearded dragon for 18 months and have recently acquired a 12 month old male, housed separatley as we thought the male would stress out our little girl. The male sometimes displays his black bearded and head bobbing when he sees the female. However when we have them out together the female runs at the male and tries to bite him Luckiy we keep a watchful eye and can stop her before any damage is done.(He is quite a bit smaller than her) The male does not retaliate. I know the obvious answer is not to get them out together but we were hoping to breed them eventually will this ever be possible? Will she get used to him?

 And you have your answer...he is smaller so she is the bully.  Beardies are naturally territorial and the female would not be interested in a sub-adult as anything but an interloper.  She may become more submissive when he is a full-grown adult but if he is still smaller, she probably won't.