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Green Iguana Taming Problem

22 14:25:36

Hes only a baby at the minute roughly around a month and a half old. I've also had him for approxmetly 3 weeks. But ive been giving him veggies every day and makes sure he sees me everyday. But whenever i try to take him out he goes mad and runs around the cage. So am wondering is there a good way to tame him? or will he over time get tame because i dont wont a large untamed iguana in the future.


Hello Matthew,

Iguanas take some time to tame down.  You have not had him for very long.  
Do you have gloves that you can use initially?  He should be starting to get used to you a little bit.  You will just need to slowly reach in there & get him.  Don't back down, otherwise, he will think you are scared of him.
Don't manhandle him but be firm.  Maybe use a few treats to help entice him as well.  
Patience is something you definitely need!

Good luck.