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jackie lizards

22 14:23:52

what do jackie lizards eat?
also can you keep a jackie lizard with another reptile

Dear Aaron,
thank you for your question.
They feed on all sorts of insects and invertebrates: crickets, locusts, roaches (try Blaptica dubia), flies (can be bought with crippled wings or can be cooled down in the fridge to make them slow), silkworms (alive or dried),  waxworms and waxmoths, mealworms, superworms/zophobas (all three very fatty, feed only occasionally), earthworms (good source of calcium). Keep the diet as varied as possible, don't feed only one kind of prey all the time.
You can try to offer some leafy greens and flowers, like dandelion, nasturtiums or marigolds (mustn't be treated with pesticides), but only as a very small part of the diet and not all Jacky lizards eat them.

I wouldn't house them with any other lizard species. Bigger lizards would prey on the Jacky lizard and it would in turn prey on smaller ones, they eat lizards in the wild. Apart from that, two species kept in one enclosure often stress each other because they cannot avoid each other. It's also very hard to find two species with exactly the same needs in habitat, temperature/humidity, diet ect.

I hope I was of some help to you