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Looking For The Right Lizard

22 14:47:31

I already have a tank around 30-40 gallons and I have made various trips to the pet store unable to find the right pet so i've come here seeking answers and mabey have a few ideas of pets that are regularly friendly so i shouldn't have to worry about bites and also don't mind being held every now and then so please give me a few ideas so i will be able to research and mabey order one of these pets from the local pet store.

 Their are a few docile lizards, that kept well and given attention, make friendly pets.  The bearded dragon, the leopard gecko, and the uromastyx.  Read up on these guys first and if there was one place that could give you all the info required for all three, I would suggest visiting, an excellent place to start.  I would not purchase a lizard from the pet store. Better to get one from an ethical breeder.  For a list in your state, I would go here: