Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my bearded dragon maybe ill???

my bearded dragon maybe ill???

22 14:47:33

QUESTION: Hi, i have a bearded dragon of about three to four months old.  He is very actice but as of late he seems to be a bit slow and doesn't look to well.  He is in the process of shedding his tail skin,is this the cause?  He is still feeding well.  Im just concerned. Thank you.

ANSWER:   If he is eating, that's good. How are his poops?  Firm or runny?  Does it smell bad?  Has he has his well-beardie check up at a good reptile veterinarian?  Has he had a fecal done?  He may be having gut parasite issues which should be checked out.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi, this poops are normal firm and wet and regualar.  Im going to take him to a vet just to make sure.  What is a fecal? thank you

The fecal test is a two part test to find parasites in the poop.  One is a smear that is put under a microscope, the other is called a "float".  These tests find out what parasites is in the lizard's gut and how many.  Some is normal, too many and he would need treatment.