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young bearded dragon diet

22 14:30:57

my bearded dragon is about 7 weeks old, He doesn't seem to be eating many vegetables he'll have crickets when he can catch them and meal worms but won't touch his greens also I've never seem him drink!

Ann,                                                                   Young beardies are not too finicky. If he is in a larger enclosure and he is having difficulty catching them feed him in a smaller enclosure.....ike a deep dishpan or 10 gallon tank. You can also give him waxworms or silkworms. These guys are high in fat and they love them. Keep pushing the veggies....especially collard greens,mustard greens,turnip greens.Put them into a small food processor and give them a quick chop or chop them small by hand. Right now while he is growing he needs all he can get. Don't let him train you.He gets most of his moisture from what he eats. Sometimes they can not see standing water. Put a larger bowl in there so he can soak in it. He will see it better and it helps them shed.My iguana thinks its her toilet , but whatcha gonna Make sure you have a good UVA light and lightly dust his food with calcium....especially now while he is growing. You want to keep his bones strong. Keep his heat about 90 to 95 during the day 70 at night. Good Luck,Tina