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igauna laying eggs

22 14:10:09

my green iguana just started laying eggs how do i tell when she is done and what do i do i didnt even know she was gonna have them how do i tell if they are fertile she was in a cage with another iguana when i bought her in feb she has laid 12 eggs so far

 The best way to tell that she is free of any unlaid eggs is to have her seen by her vet and have an x-ray done, especially if she did not have a proper laybox prepared.  Also, the vet can guesstimate her age.
But if she is old enough to lay, she is at least 2 years old.
 Even if they are fertile, without incubation, they won't survive.  And allowing them to hatch will cause another, very financial problem.  Babies need proper housing, lighting and food as ell as vet care.  Freshly laid infertile eggs have a yellow tinge from the yolk showing through, while fertile ones have a pinkish tinge.
 There is another method used in poultry farms using a small beam of light in a dark room called candling, you would see a clear egg as infertile, and if a large dark, reddened area, fertile.