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Chinese water dragon makes odd movements

22 13:35:46

I have a baby Chinese water dragon. he is about 15 inches. he just started doing this odd movement a few weeks ago. he does it often after he eats. but he will sit there and wring his body from side to side. as if he was swimming. and sometimes it looks like he cramps because he often does side to side motions up to four times, but sometimes he just sits there with his body arched sideways. would it be just a form of stretching or could it be something wrong with him. he is healthy, active,  does have a swimming pool...i am not sure what it would be

 Like most animals, even reptiles, throats in babies are different, and babies will instinctively go into positions that best help them digest.  This is why many baby lizards find the weirdest positions even to sleep in.  If he is active, eating and pooping regularly, I'd say that he is doing his baby thing.  However, if you have not had him checked by his veterinarian yet, you really should.  A regular yearly check-up will fend off regular CWD problems like parasites and mouth rot.