Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bt skink

bt skink

22 14:36:40

i realy hope you can help me with this. my bt skink hasnt eaten normaly for a little over a month. she'l eat small bites very so often but not much. i am getting worried because she use to look very healthy, and  is now starting to look very skinny and sick looking. now i notice her legs are twitching alot, whether she's moving or staying put.please provide me with much information as possible or things i can do to help my bt skink, because she isnt that young.. thnkz, Dale.

 First I would have her seen by a vet ASAP, twitching is a neurological symptom from either too little calcium or no proper UVB lighting.  Yes blue tongues require UVB if you have been told they don't, then you were told wrong.  It is an all too popular misconception.  Have her checked for MBD and get some good UVB lighting on her if you have not.