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baby frog

22 14:47:51

I had found a baby frog outside and it was with another frog and was getting attacked by ants.Me and my cousin tried to save both but one had to many ants to survive.So we brushed the ants off the alive one and took it inside because it was about to die and we want to know how to care for it?Its realy tiny and has kind of a black looking bottom. It also has spots on its back. It is probably a toad but we want to make sure.If you really want to know what it looks like just email me and ill put a picture to show you.

Dear Whitney,
thank you for your quesiton.
I recommend putting the frog outside again, it's a wild animal and it should be allowed to remain so.

If you want to keep it or just nurse it back to health, you need to let a herp vet check a feces sample for parasites. Usually, wild animals have them and if he looks that weak, they may have multiplied too much and need to be treated. Put him in a tank with a water dish, some moss and some bark to hide in and maybe some branches to climb (when he's really a toad, he probably won't use them. though). He will eat just about anything that moves: crickets, locusts, flies, earthworms. Make sure the prey is small enough for him (no bigger than his mouth is wide).
You can upload a picture at and then send me the link here, I may be able to identify the species.

I hope I was of some help to you