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appetite stimulant

22 14:24:36

Is there an appetite stimulant for bearded dragons? mine only
eats peas, he's about 1 1/2 years old. he gets reptavites on the peas.

Hi Kelly, The easiest way to stimulate any reptile's appetite is to make sure they are warm enough. That will keep their metabolism functioning at the proper level. The hot spot for a bearded should be 100 -110 F.
If you already have the proper temperatures and your bearded is otherwise healthy ( ie. not lethargic or losing weight) then it sounds like he has developed a food preference. It is something that you have to change. Peas are high in purines and a steady diet can cause health problems. You may have to practice a little "tough love" by letting him get a bit hungry in order to encourage him to expand his diet. Finely chopping a small amount of the favourite food into the food you want him to eat is another strategy.

I'm not quite clear from your question  whether peas are the only vegetable he is eating or the only thing at all. Is he taking insects as well?