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armadillo lizard health

22 14:47:00

Hi, my armadillo lizard has a bumb/soar on the underside of his mouth and has had it for a while now it doesnt seem to effect him in any way but i dont know what it could be, the bumb has two circular cutts on it and just wanted to know what it was, how it effects him, and how to fix it.


Your question was sent to the pool but I will answer it.

I am not sure what a "bumb/soar" is but I assume you are describing a mouth injury. If it turns to mouth rot infection it will be fatal if it spreads to his bone, or to the lungs. You don't know that it's not affecting him, because reptile hide symptoms of pain and illness so as to not be targets in the wild.

He needs to see a vet to determine what is wrong.