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Anoles and Green Tree Frogs together?

22 14:33:50

I want to set up a terrarium and house anoles and green tree frogs TOGETHER.  Can you give me any tips or direct me to a website etc?

Hello Gary, I do not recommend keeping them together. No two species should be mixed in the same enclosure. So that being said, I can not give you information on keeping them together.

However if you must do it, be sure that you have a backup enclosure, or a large enough one to put in a devider between the two species. Be sure you have given all of the animals a proper check up from a vet to be sure they are healthy and take 2-3 fecal samples for testing of parasites. The risks of disease and fighting are larger when housing two different species in a small controlled environment. They do not have the space to run away, to hide, or to determine separate territories so it can be dangerous.

Good luck, and please don't house these two together it can be risky to their health.