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What is wrong

22 13:27:38


pic of snake
My Husband bought me a albino California king snake July 4th of last year and everything was going good.. We use a 150 purple watt bulb and keep he's cage clean every week.. He gets fresh water every other day and fed every other week..He's tank stays in between 75  and 80.. Anyway about a week ago I noticed that he has a bump just below he's mouth and have looked it up and can't figure out what is wrong? Can you please help me?

Well, it looks like he may have some sort of mouth or throat infection going on there.  Maybe a tooth or claw scratched him while he was swallowing, and it got infected.  Best to get him to a vet with reptile experience promptly for a checkup and treatment.  Chances are high it's nothing serious, if it's treated promptly (definitely not something you want to leave untreated).  Hope he gets better soon for you!