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I need help I just got to Leopard Geckos

22 14:35:54

I just got the two Leo. last Saturday. I brought them home and things were going fine. One of them Shedded its first skin (they are babies) on wed. the 18th. Ever since it shedded its skin when ever you touch it the whole body shakes it doesn't do much just sleeps. Walks around slowly moves around the tank a lot while trying to sleep. By this I mean it will lay in one place for about 10 mins then slowly scoot to another place. Lays in the water dish about twice a day and hate its when a cricket touches it. Is this normal after a shedding should I be worried about something? Is there something I should be worried about? Please help me I have been searching and I haven't found anything can you please please help?

Hello Kandis,

Do you have an undertank heater for them?  They need underbelly heating & an undertank heater should be on 24/7 for them.  Also, a low wattage heat lamp should be on as well, to get a hot spot of around 88-90 for them as well.
Do you provide calcium for them?  Being babies, they need calcium daily right now for growth.  Either dust the feeders of leave a dish of some calcium in the tank for them lick.
What type of substrate are you using?  
Do not leave any crickets in the tank with them during the day as that will stress them.  Only put some in during the early evening to feed them.  Remove whatever ones are not eaten.  The crickets will bite them.  Are the crickets small?  
Have either one of them gone to the bathroom yet?
No that is not normal for it to scoot around after a shed.  Did all of the shed come off?  
Do you have any moist hides in there for them?  
