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Mbd in blue tongued skink

22 13:24:47

We bought a juvenile blue tongued Skink at a pet store (bad idea) and he looked healthy at the time. We couldn't get him to eat so we returned to the store and they said they fed him crickets. We bought some dusted ones and he ate them fine and gradually he started eating blueberries and boiled chicken. We offered him the healthy greens we read about but had a hard time getting him to eat them. Within 3 months he developed humps on his back near his shoulders and hips. We've read everything we can find on mbd and now dust his blueberries, hide greens in his chicken, and take him outside in the sun. He has had a herp light since we got him, but just in case I bought a new one. It's been a month and his condition is been going down. He is not eating, is very lethargic and unhappy. Please help, we have no reptile vet here and are willing to do whatever it takes to save him!

Well, I am not positive its MBD as the symptoms don't sound right to me personally. Regardless of this I am not a trained vet. So I would get a UVB bulb, and a heat lamp that puts out the proper heat I would also contact Ryan Jarosek of Jarosek Reptiles as he is a breeder of BTS and ask him as well for some advice on how to handle this. If you don't mind me asking where are you that there is no reptile vet? I have friends internationally so I may be able to find one for you nearby.