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My Thia water dragon is all brown except its belly

22 13:24:47

Why is my water dragon brown and my other is green? We have had them for about 3 or 4 months and they are juvenile under 15". What can I do to make the one green again.

Hello Brittany,

Sorry for the delay, we had a few internet troubles.  
Do you have any pictures of your water dragons?  Are they both males or a male & a female, or two females?
One may be dominating over the other one because the brown or darker color indicates stress & or ill feelings.  I would try to find out the sex of them in case you have two males you will need to separate them.
Are you using a UVB light, & if so, what type & brand do you use?
What type of basking light do you have?  Do you use a stick on type of thermometer, a digital probe or a temp gun?  What are the temperatures in the tank?
They also need higher humidity, around 70% with a nice water bowl/pool for them.

What do you feed them?
