Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Gibson and Vita-spray

Gibson and Vita-spray

22 12:00:11

QUESTION: Hey Tracie,
I had contacted you before regarding the bowl movements of Leopard geckos. Well I am proud to say we have had our first poop siting since we brought Gibson home (actually 2) so we are excited. I purchased some Natures Reptile vita-spray today and the more I think about it the less sure I am about spraying him with it. He is a young juvenile gecko and I noticed on the label that it contains D3 which I had read is not good for geckos I am trying to see what your opinion is on weather to give it to him or take it back.

Thank you,

ANSWER: Hello Vicky!

That is great he finally went to the bathroom then!  
No, I would not spray him with the vitamin spray.  It is designed to spray the food not the reptile though.  
Their livers are different than other reptiles & can synthesize D3 with little to no sunlight & can quickly get overdosed on synthetic D3.  I would take it back & just get regular calcium powder with no D3.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Great!!! Thank you for the fast reply, When I started reading it this one you actually spray once a day directly onto the reptile from head to tail its supposed to have electrolytes and vitamins but then I noticed also the D3 and I was pretty  sure that was not good. Also will a Leopard gecko stop eating when they are full? Our new one seems to be eating a ton of crickets if you put them in there he will eat it plus his meal worms. He is still pooping on a regular schedule now but is eating everyday anywhere from 6 to 10 crickets is this normal?

Hello Vicky,

You are very welcome.  
How is he doing?  
Yes, the normally stop eating when they get full.  It sounds like he is eating very well right now.  This is usually about how much they eat when they are growing!  
Were you able to take the spray back & just get some powder?

I hope he is doing well!
