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Bearded Dragon tympanic membrane (ear drum)

22 12:00:09

Bearded Dragon
Bearded Dragon
I noticed tonight that my dragon emmie's ear openings were significantly narrower and were closing up over the tympanic membrane. It's happening on both ears. I had to look twice b/c I had never seen anything so strange. Have you seen anything like this before? I'm calling the vet in the morning, but it's got me worried. He is about 5 years old. He is a spoiled mama's boy:) He eats normally and acts normally. Is this something I should be very concerned with? Thanks!

Hello Laurie,

No, I have never seen anything like that, that is very different indeed!
Did he have a bad shed on his ears before this started?
Does it seem to be bothering him at all?
Let me know what the vet says regarding this.  I will be anxious to hear what the vet thinks of this.
Can he seem to hear alright?  

Let me know how he is doing.
