Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > depressed unwell bearded dragon

depressed unwell bearded dragon

22 13:26:20

QUESTION: Hi Tracie,
I feed Gee Gee crickets, the thermometer is digital which sits on the outside of the tank, I have now adjusted the tempreture, is it ok to feed him baby milk, to help build his strength up, baytril dose 2.5% I am giving 0.05ml once a day.
He seems ok, he's just woken up so I am going to give him another bath.

ANSWER: Hello Lisa,

No, bearded dragons are lactose intolerant.  You can feed him non dairy soy yogurt though to help his system out while he is on the medication.  That dose looks ok, at the 2.5% then.  
How are the temperatures now?

Let me know how Gee Gee is doing.  Did he enjoy his bath?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The vivarium is a lot hotter now and still staying at the correct temp, Gee Gee's skin is a lot darker and the yellow colour has seemed to stop, i presume this is because he has been having regular baths (which I think he enjoys!) and he is more hydratred, his beard is not noticeably black any more, he is enjoying the soya yoghurt, looking more alert, walking around the vivarium more and putting up a fight to get the syringe in his mouth, so he is slowly getting his strength back.
I am wondering when he will start to eat on his own accord I give him veg every day in the hope that soon he will feel tempted to eat.
Do you think he has a good chance of survival?

Hello Lisa,

It sounds like Gee Gee is doing pretty well.  
At least he seems to enjoy his baths too, and he is not black bearding, either.  
If he is fighting the syringe then he must be feeling better & getting stronger.  He will start to eat on his own when he gets hungry enough I hope.  If you just slowly decrease his baby food feedings, hopefully his own appetite will come back.  The soya yogurt is great for him.

Well, he has a pretty good chance for survival now, with you helping him!  Keep him hydrated as much as you can.

Let me know how he is doing.