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Euromastyx Mali

22 14:45:53

My Mali eats occasionally and is very lethargic and sleeps all the time.Is there anything I can do ie.vitamins or something to restore his condition? This has been going on for weeks.Thanks

Hi Dave. I would take your lizard to the vet just to be sure that he isn't ill. Sadly, lots of illnesses share traits with each other and brumination. He may be bruminating, which is going on with quite a few lizards right now. If he seems healthy otherwise, and isn't dropping a lot of weight, you could just be sure to keep him hydrated by pushing water when he is awake, and see if he come out of it in a few weeks. If the has others symptoms such as hard breathing or mucous in the nose, he needs to go to the vet ASAP. If he is dropping weight quickly, the same as above. If you have trouble getting him to take water, you can try a mix of 10-25% pure unsweetened apple juice or pedialyte and 90-75% water. An eyedropper or syringe sans needle work well as a delivery system. He doesn't need a lot, but it is good to be sure he has some. Thanks for the question! Nicole