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green anole aggression

22 11:52:48

my green anole has changed in its behavior it. has recently started showing aggression to me when i put my had in his tank he will open his mouth and expose his beldwap. on some occasions he will nip at my finger tip. everything is set up how it should be temp. and all im just really stumped. any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

p.s. i bought another lizard and a tree frog today to see if it would help him relax i think maybe hes lonley i dont kno please help thanks again

His behavior is pretty normal.  Perhaps he is settled into his new home with you, and his stress level has gone down, so now he is feeling better, and behaving more normally.  A reptile that is active and feisty is generally healthy and normal.  He was caught in the wild, he certainly will bear no love for humans, until he learns otherwise, which takes a long time.

Adding other animals to his enclosure will stress him out, which is likely to lead to illness.  He has enough to deal with, learning to live in a cage.  Reptiles do not enjoy company.  They will compete over food, basking spaces, and hiding spaces.  All different species should be housed separately.  Never house 2 males of any species together.  Under no circumstances should to try to keep these other two animals with him (or with each other, for that matter--if you cannot afford 2 more cages, you should return them.  What's worse, they could transmit diseases or parasites to your anole, since they were not quarantined).

His display is a defensive threat, which indicates he is frightened.  

My suggestion is to remove the other animals to their own enclosures, give him a week to relax after having had to deal with them, and then try offering him food on forceps, to win him over.  

He has no reason to want anything to do with you.  (Reptiles aren't affectionate or social).  Once he realizes that you have food to offer, and aren't a threat, he should stop reacting that way, but it may take a few months, at least.  Anoles really are 'look but don't touch' pets--they're too small and fragile to safely handle, and they're quick and can run up walls.

Your green anole should have a minimum of an 18 X 12 tall vivarium to himself, and larger is better.  (Incidentally, the frog should also have an enclosure that size).  I don't know about the other lizard, as you did not mention what species it is).

Make certain you anole has a UVB producing light, a basking spot of 90F with 80F air temperatures on the cool side of his cage, plenty of greenery (either live or plastic plants) to hide in, and a humidity of around 60 to 80%.  Mist twice daily to provide water.  Feed insects no larger than the space between his eyes, and dust them with calcium powder.  Feed every other day, as many as he will eat in one sitting (remove any remaining insects after 15 minutes).