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Juvie not eating pt. 5

22 13:26:16

QUESTION: Hi again.

Binti and I took a trip to the vet tonight. It turns out she's an incredibly energetic, feisty little gecko and you wouldn't even know she was sick unless you knew she wasn't eating and was regurgitating her sheds like I do. She bit the vet, clawed her, and roared at her all in good time, and was more than happy to leave her mouth wide open as she was handled, trying very hard to intimidate everybody. She weighs in at 17g.

She was tube-fed some Carnivore Care and then medicated with some metronidazole to treat any possible parasites that we can't really see without a fecal being done. She'll be carried on that course for the next four days, and I hope it helps her out.

The vet's examination didn't yield much more than a very angry leopard gecko. No sign of impaction, dehydration, or really anything out of the ordinary at all... just the lack of appetite and weird digestion issues.

Just keeping you updated. :)

ANSWER: Hello Amber,

Oh geez, Binti rebelled at the vets!  Well, I guess you can't blame her though, being poked & prodded all of the time.  
The Carnivore Care should help her.  The metronidazole is used for a wide array of parasites that are hard to treat.  Maybe this will help her out.  I hope this helps!  What was the dose that they gave him & how many days is she going to be on this medication?  Try to use some probiotics to help with appetite.  

Maybe she will calm down for the day now, after being handled at the vets.  A whopping 17 grams, a very scary gecko indeed!  LOL

Let me know how she is doing.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, Binti didn't enjoy the anatomy lesson we had at her expense. The vet checked her belly for signs of impaction and we got to see her gall bladder and other organs through her skin. Very cool... just, poor Binti didn't really agree with us on that. No signs of impaction to speak of, though.

She's on a five-day metronidazole course. She got one dosage at the vet and I gave her one today (something she, again, was not ecstatic about... gecko bites everywhere!). She is, however, strangely cooperative - even at the vet, she kept her mouth open long after getting her medicine, probably trying to look intimidating, but only really succeeding in making it easy to dose her. The dose is 0.2ml once a day - up to the second tiny line on the syringe.

What are probiotics and how can they be used to help her? Is 17g an acceptable weight for a four-month juvie?

ANSWER: Hello Amber,

How is Binti today?
At least she is not impacted that can be determined then.  Yes, it is really cool to see through her.  
That is fine on the dose with the Metronidazole, for only 5 days then.  I bet she does not like that medication.  Watch those fingers!  LOL  Yeah, she was probably trying to be scary after getting her meds. That is so funny.
Probiotics are agents which help to rebuild & restore the natural gut flora/bacteria in their gut when medications destroy & diminish it.  It helps with appetite too.  Some examples are acidophiliz, non dairy soy yogurt, & benebac.  Make sure the acidophiliz is dairy free.
No, 17 grams is not bad for a 4 month old juvie.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Binti's the same as she was. Still not eating, but still acting like she's the scariest little dinosaur in the world. She's surprisingly cooperative, still, during medicine time... pick her up, make her mad enough, and the mouth goes wiiiiide open.

Where can I get probiotics like that and how would I give them to her? I'm not even sure if she's drinking anymore, but the vet said she didn't look dehydrated by the look of her colours and patterning.

Hello Amber,

Well, at least Binti seems to be holding her own at the moment.  Just get her mad, & her mouth opens!  Wow, that is really easy to medicate her then!  
You can get acidophiliz from which is probably the most commonly used one.  I think they may have benebac too.  
I sell acidophiliz and benebac also, on my online store.
I hope she is doing well.  Keep me posted on her, your little dinosaur!  
