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Painted agama problems

22 14:17:15

Hello Tracie,
I hope you can help me.  I have had a painted agama for about a year. He was doing great, eating like a pig, etc. We decided to get him another one because he is so attached to us and we were traveling alot.  The man in the store said she was a female and he is a male so they should get along. He is considerably larger and more bluish; she is smaller and darker brown. We placed them together and besides some initial tail wagging and head bobbing they seemed to get along great. In fact, they were spending their days lying on the basking rock together holding "hands". Then, after about a month together, the male has become obsessed with digging. He would rather dig than eat - and he is normally obsessed with crickets. Tonight I came in and it looks like a sand storm hit the room.  The only other change, besides placing the two lizards together, is that I moved their terrarium for the winter. They were in a sunroom that gets sunny and warm in the day but was getting too cold at night (about 10 degrees celcius or colder).  The room they are in now is about 18 degrees at night and 27 in the day (with their heat lamp).  Any ideas what is going on with my dear friend? I did wonder if he was burrowing to lay eggs - but he is supposed to be the male!  I would be very happy to forward you pictures of both of them.  Thanks for your help. My e-mail is:  

Hello Susan,

Yes, a picture of them would be nice.  We do need to make sure of their sexes.  Can you determine by the femoral pores on them?  They are located on the inner thighs in front of the vent.  
If it is getting that cold you do need to get a ceramic heat emitter for them overnight that is pretty cold.   So you got it to 18 then which is 65 basically that is probably ok, but I would like to see it closer to 70 (21)
The basking area or spot does need to be around 90 (32) though instead of 80 (27)   

It sounds like you have the gender of them mixed up because that is seemingly normal female behavior before she lays.  
That is great he is so attached to you though.  Do you spend time with him now?
