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can tortoises live with other reptiles

22 14:44:11

i wanted to make mediterranean showcase kinda thing and i was wondering
what are kinds of mediterranean lizards or snakes are there and would they get
along with a hermanns tortoise?

Hi tj, When different species share an enclosure they cannot help but be exposed to each other's faeces much more intensely then  they ever would be in nature. There is always a risk that the bacteria etc. that is normal and harmless for one species may not be harmless for another type of reptile. Some keepers feel that species should never be mixed while others keep very successful and thriving "community" tanks. I think that some combinations of species can work well together if certain rules are followed. The environment has to suit all the reptiles well, each has to have adequate space and not live under stress from the presence of the the other species.
With that said I really can't imagine any other ground dwelling reptile happily living with a tortoise. They tend to behave like little bulldozers. Unless your enclosure is room size then the quality of life for anything housed with a tortoise would likely be poor. If your set-up will be enclosed they you could theoretically consider an arboreal species like some of the Mediterranean geckos. You will need to keep in mind that most lizards are insectivores. By adding lizards to your set-up you will have to make sure that it is escape proof for both them and their food. It can really add an extra amount of hassle and can also interfere with your enjoyment of your tortoise. Just some things to consider.