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Alvin - 10 year old Bearded Dragon

22 14:48:43

I've had my beardie for 10 years now and he is getting on a bit.  I have noticed lately that he seems to be dragging his back legs and falls quite often.  He doesn't seem to be able to climb his logs as good either.  He has had an ongoing problem with his mouth also for over two years now and although I have had advice from 3 different vets i cant find a cure or an anwser to what it is.  Inside his mouth he has a lump which has disfigured his face and although he as been on baytril and other antibiotics it wont clear.  Any advice would be very welcome.  Thank you.

 Kudos to you for Alvin!  This little old man was lucky to have had you, to get him past 10 in the US is wonderful.
 Alvin is an elderly beardie and like old people, the elderly may need assisted living.  Not many vets get to see geriatric beardies so yours may need to consult ones who have.  I would adapt his cage furniture to his needs, things with a more gradual slope to help him get to his basking spot, I would get better UVB, a reptisun 10.0 fluorescent or a Megaray from ReptileUV.  To me, not actually being able to see the problem, I would want to rule out MVB, gout, or tumor.  Did the vet take a blood panel? Or an x-ray?  If not, that should be considered.