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frilled dragon housing

22 14:48:44

QUESTION: this isntreally aquestionso muchabout the creature but of the housing

i live in england where thengs can be colder then in america, and i want to buy a frilled dragon

well ifounda decnet flexarium thatwould holdhim fbut it is half glass and the otherhalf bars and just wondering if i got theequpiment to keep humidity high, would the atmosphere be cancelled out by  the in conditions in my room?

ANSWER: Hi Patty,
Yes, the room humidity will change the cage humidity,but you can help to keep the cage a bit more humid by using clear plastic shower curtains to wrap the cage in if needed.  On open wire cages I like to use the vaporizers on the outside of them and direct the "steam" into the cage at a safe distance.  Also, adding silk plants to the cage helps as that when they are misted with water, they help to hold the humidity.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you alot :)

is a frilled dragon, a good first reptile to have? as i am new to reptile pets

i hear they are ussually very placid which is aplus, but will it let me handel it?

also is a 29x29x48 inch cage big enough?

thanks again patty

Hi Patty,
I've never owned a frilled....I've done some searching and came across a link that gives  alot of indepth information on them.
If this still isn't enough info, please let me know and I will find more answers for you!!!  
On the cage size, it depends on how you have your dimensions listed as that a cage that is 4-6 ft high and 3 feet wide is needed. They are generally ok with handling.  Another species that you may want to check into as a first reptile is the bearded dragon.  They require a much smaller cage, if that is an issue for you.  If this is  a lizard that may intrest you, I can give you a basic care sheet on them.  Beardies generally are very social, calm lizards that enjoy human company.