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water dragon cage

22 13:54:03


Water Dragon Cage
Hi Tracie,
Thanks for all info about my baby water dragon, you asked for a pic of his new cage and i forgot to send it so here it is. Also what types of other food do you recommend feeding him? i have been giving him small dusted crickets and he dosent seem to like them, he dose like his meal worms but i know they are high in fat and not good for him. Do you recommend any other bugs, worms, greens or fruits to feed him as a juvenile? thanks a lot!

Hello Luke,

The tank looks great! :-)) How far will he be from the UVB?  Make sure he can get within 6 or so inches from it since there is some screen in between him & the light.  You want to be sure he gets adequate UVB exposure.  He should love all of the space he will have now!
He does not seem to like crickets?  Can he catch them?  
You can try phoenix worms, & butterworms, as well as a few mealies & waxy worms.  When he gets bigger, you can try some hornworms, silkworms & superworms.  
They are not much into eating greens or veggies being mostly carnivorous, however some say they are omnivorous.  So, if you want to put some mustard or collard greens in there, maybe he might eat a few.  You can also try some berry varieties such as blueberry, strawberry, rasperberry, & maybe some squash.
Good luck!
