Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > my Iguana lost her tail 2 yrs. ago hasnt grown

my Iguana lost her tail 2 yrs. ago hasnt grown

22 13:31:23

A dog bit off my Iguana's tail 2 yrs. ago and it scarred.Is
there anything i can do to make it grow back. PLEASE HELP! Thankyou very much!!! Most Sincerely! Mitch.

Depending on how much of the tail has been taken off, it may not grow back at all. If this was indeed 2 years ago, I am afraid to say at this point: it's not growing back.

Don't worry :) Although it might make him a little less attractive in your eyes, you really don't want to get tail whipped by an adult iguana. Consider it good luck.