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eyes swelled on bearded dragon

22 14:22:01


I was just wondering if you have ever heard of a bearded dragon having a reaction to eating butternut squash?  We have never had any real problems with him and have had him now about 4 or 5 years.  Just recently we were told that they can eat squash so we fed him some and now his eyes are swelled up really bad.  I don't know for sure if that's what caused it but it's the only new thing that we have introduced to him.  I am in the process of trying to find a vet for him, but there isn't any in our area so just looking to see if they can have allergies to food and it will pass when he poops.


Hi Heather-
No they do not usually have an allergy to butternut squash to my knowledge and most types of squash are commonly included in their diets

I have never read/heard of a reaction such as you described when eat they eat butternut squash

I wonder if there could have been any chemical residue on the squash-but that wouold not be likely if it was washed and peeled and chopped up for him to eat but the reaction is certainly extremely puzzling

Has the swelling gone down any around the eyes?

Also-are you by any chance using a compact/coil UV light on the tank with him?

These lights have produced the exact reaction in Bearded Dragons that you have described to me and if you have on on his tank-remove it immediately and replace with a florescent tube UV light

Let me know how he is doing and if the compact/coil light is not the problem-I would look for a vet to bring him into see ASAP

I wish you the best of luck with him

Sandy aka LadyGecko