Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Yellow-Striped Plated Lizard & Juvenile Ball Python

Yellow-Striped Plated Lizard & Juvenile Ball Python

22 14:26:41

Hi Tracie

I have this plated lizard, I have read, somewhere that they can and do sometimes cohabit with snakes.  Would you think that these two would be compatible ?  I have a great set-up with lots of room, and thought it might work.  However, I don't want to endanger either.  I love them both and would just love to see if this would work.  Thank you for your consideration and time.  Jeannie

Hello Jean,

I do not think it is a good idea to mix species.  Plus, they both have a slightly different husbandry setup which is not compatible.  The lizard needs bright light whereas the ball python does not.  The lizard needs UVB while the ball python doesn't.  They are too different.
Not to mention the fact that a ball python would most likely try to eat the lizard.  
It is best to house them separately.
