Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > is my iguana getting old or is she in need of help

is my iguana getting old or is she in need of help

22 14:15:22


my iguana
hi i have ag green female iguana she is 13 yrs old and is currently in a 7ft by 5ft tropical tank it stands 7ft high  and has two double opening doors at the front it has two very large uv lights at iether side the heating is a flat plate heater 400 watt mounted on the back of the tank with a protecter in front so she doesnt burn herself. it has large different size branches and this tree stumps in and ofton likes to sit at the top i have always fed her on fruit and veg and include vitamin powder onto her diet maybe once every few weeks i spray her ofton and kepp a good humidity int he tank. however the past few months she has got very lifeless and hasnt been moving around at all she has lost a lot of weight her skin has become very loose her bones are realy sticking out in weird way and her spine has gone a funny shape, she is also quit ridged, she keeps falling of her branch and isnt turning over when she falls she just stays on her back until i put her back again i have stopped putting her high now the floor is covered in wood chips so her fall was only about a couple of foot. and would have had a safe landing but she is now lower now . she is eating but not very much i havent seen her drink, but ive been spraying water into her mouth in hope she gets some water. in case she isnt
drinking. she also has hard bone feel like lumps near her spine these are greyish with colour. ive also noticed she hasnt shed much skin lately .i do have photos if you would like me to email them. im very concerned and dont know what to do for the best can you help me angela x

She is obviously very ill and needs veterinary care...  When was the last time the UV(B) -I hope!!!, lighting was changed?  Those bulbs are only good for 6 months ever if they still work, the coating wears off and they no longer give off UVB.  Some of this sounds like metabolic bone disease to me but I am not a vet.