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My red tail boa want eat

22 14:18:57

Azola stopped eating about the start of October and she has not touch food sense. I check her for nights, changed her bedding, mist her like i always do and take her out on regular bases. She is about 6 1/2 feet maybe longer. She had a really good shed but she still will not eat. She dose not have a hide box she never had one. the weather here in Maryland is around 50 day and 40 at night. I am worried. can you help answer this please

OK, 40-50's is WAY too cold for a boa!!!  I'm hoping there's some heating going on in the cage...  Boa's should never be below mid 60's at the lowest and I don't go below the lower 70's with mine.  Assuming your cage temps are not as low as your outside temps, she may be ready to breed as she of size and she has obviously been "cooled."