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african sideneck turtle

22 13:24:35

african sideneck
african sideneck
five had my African sidekick turtle for about 3months and it have been fine until this pass week...i wont swim in the deep part of the tank, it wont bask and it stays in one area over reptile grass, its a female. i wanted to know if it was reground or is there something else going on, lately five been changing the water almost everyday....please help

Whenever a reptile changes its behavior and becomes lethargic, this is a sign of a health issue.  You will need to take her to a veterinarian who has reptile experience, and do so promptly.  (Reptiles hide their illness to avoid attracting attention from predators, or more dominant animals, so by the time they show signs of illness, they're usually very ill).

There are a wide variety of potential ailments that could be causing the very generic symptoms you're seeing, so a vet is the only option.