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poisonous snake?

22 13:31:32

Hope you are able to help me. We live partially in the woods with a field along the one side of our house & we have a snake in our attached garage.  My daughter almost stepped on it Sat. night & that is how we discovered it.  She was able to take a picture on her cell phone.  It is a copper color on top with tan underneath. It was about 2 feet long & thin.  I am wondering if it could be a copperhead, but it did not have any pattern on its back.  Do copperheads always have markings on them or can they also appear as the snake described above?  Do you have any suggestions on how to remove it from the garage?

Thank you for your help.

2 important pieces of missing info:  where you live and the picture of the snake.

With those I could probably tell you what it is.  I can tell you that copperheads generally have a pattern and they are NOT thin.  Post the picture and I'll tell you more if I can.