Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > eygyptian uromastics - lythargic -¶lyzed? please help

eygyptian uromastics - lythargic -¶lyzed? please help

22 13:56:02

my Uro 'Aha' has always been active- we noticed he has not been comimh out of his bedding spot -I took him out & he tries to walk though his legs lay paralyzed - he trys - is also barely barely eating - I am very concerned and worried - thank you for any assistance - Dee Dee

 You did not say how old your uro was.  If he is a baby or juvenile, I would have to urge you to have him seen by a good reptile veterinarian.  Now an adult may be brumating.  Many lizards will take to going into a semi-hibernation during the winter.  They stop eating, but their metabolism slows down so much, they don't lose weight.  However if he is dragging his legs, please get him to the vet to rule out injury or metabolic bone disease.