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Beardie in trouble

22 13:24:56

Hi, I purchased my sweet beardie Petey about 3 wks ago.  Don't know his age but is 10" long with tail.
He has a tail that is not straight, it goes off to the side.  The pet store couldn't give me any history on Petey so don't know if it was an injury, something that he was born with or something else.
I have no idea if this has anything to do with his problem now or not.  He went over a week after I got him without pooping.  He was eating his crickets well enough but I have trouble getting him to eat anything else.  I set out a fresh salad for him everyday but he doesn't eat it.  I give him a bath everyday and rub his belly.  Finally I decided to give him a little mineral oil on a cricket and after a bath he pooped for the first time.
Now a couple more weeks have gone by and I still see no poop.  Last night I gave him a little mineral oil again and he finally pooped again.  But now he is still wiggling his little behind like he is trying to go but can't.  He didn't eat all his crickets today.  I keep trying to get water into him somehow but nothing works.  I give him showers in between baths hoping he will lick off the water but he doesn't.  
He is very listless tonight so I just put him to bed and he is still trying to get comfortable.
I am very worried about my poor little guy.  Could the misplaced tail cause him a problem to poop properly?
I haven't found a vet around here yet that knows how to care for Beardies.  Please help if you can.

Hello Lee,

He has either had an injury, or has metabolic bone disease.  
Are you using a UVB light & if so, what type & brand are you using?  A fluorescent tube bulb or a compact/coil light?
How often do you use calcium supplementation?  If he is low in calcium, he may have some trouble going to the bathroom.  
Do you know if he was housed on sand or other loose substrate at the pet store?  He could be a little impacted, also.
You will need to get fluids into him with a syringe or dropper.  You can also get some chicken or turkey baby food along with some squash baby food, using a dropper or syringe to feed him.
Do you have any pictures of him?  
